Simplify Hiring, Amplify Success!

Streamline your hiring process with ease. Our AI-Powered SaaS platform matches qualified candidates to jobs effortlessly. Take the guesswork out of hiring and find your perfect fit today!

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Pay for reach, not licenses

All you need to know is which role to recruit and we'll help you with the rest. Using Jobbrella's AI capabilities, you'll have a professional job ad ready to share in your network in minutes. Completely free.

Revolutionize example image

Professional ad in no time

Create an attractive job ad in under 4 minutes. Simple and effective.

Extra reach

Reach more candidates through integrated marketing functionality. If you need to.

Simple candidate management

AI-assisted management of the entire candidate flow for optimized matching.

Integrated Marketing

Some people like to lock themselves into long contracts, pay for licenses, and use complicated systems. We offer you the opposite.

Jobbrella is free to use and when you need there is an integrated marketing function, you can buy reach in external media instead of spending money on licenses and advertising agencies. And not only that, our AI function helps you both write the texts and find the images.

A marketing department on autopilot.

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A smarter recruitment

You want a smoother, faster and smarter recruitment process. Both for you and your candidates.

Jobbrella optimizes every step of the recruitment process and helps you make informed choices with the help of smart functions and AI support.

CV summaries, suggestions for next steps for your candidates, help with selection questions, appointment bookings for interviews, management of e-mails, ready-made questions for the interview...

… and this is just the beginning.

Manage candidates example image

Join the alpha set

We are here to make your life easier. A helping hand. With Jobbrella you will save time, reduce costs and ensure a more objective and efficient recruitment process. You make the decisions, we support you.

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